- Ace-100ml for Animals.
- Contains:
- Thiamine…….…100mg.
- Niacinamide………100mg.
- Pyridoxin HCI………10mg
- D-Panthothenate……..10mg.
- Riboflavin………………….2mg.
- Excipient QS…………1ml.
- Stimulates Weight Gain-Reduces Stress.
- Not for Human Consumption.
- Expiry Date is printed on the inside bottle.
- Imported from Vietnam.
Dosage And Administration:
By Intramuscular Or Subcutaneous Injection:
- Cattle, Horses, Camel: 1ml/ 15-20kg Body Weight / Day.
- Calves, Sheep, Goat: 1ml/ 12-15kg Body Weight/Day Continuous Intramuscular Injection 3 – 5 Days.
Storage: Store In Shade And Dry Place. Temperature Below 30°C
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